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iTouch Systems COVID-19 Statement & Actions

This statement was posted in March 2020 - If you would like to see our current COVID-19 Statement please Click Here


These are unprecedented times, and as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, it’s fair to say that there is no normal or practiced approach to take. Businesses worldwide are having to adapt to the evolving circumstances, and we’re no different. 


Because of the lack of convention, we feel it's important that we communicate clearly what we are doing to ensure our support services remain fully accessible, whilst also ensuring the safety of our team, customers and all those around us.


Firstly, I want to assure you that we’re here for you if you need us. All of our core support services remain fully accessible, and we’re committed to keeping it that way. 


We have implemented new working practices to ensure that we deliver these core support services safely at all times. We will continue to adapt these practices as the situation evolves and we all unite to do our bit in this global fight.


We will post updates to this page as and when things change, but invite anyone with any questions to call or email at any time.


Stay safe everyone,


Chris Turner

Managing Director

iTouch Systems






Call : 01706 577 710


Email :






Call : 01706 577 711


Email :






Call : 01706 577 713


Email :






Call : 01706 577 712


Email :





Key Measures Implemented: 



  • We have implemented a work from home strategy wherever possible

  • We have utilised the additional space created by our work from home strategy, to meet or exceed the recommended 2m social distancing guidelines

  • We have suspended all non essential business travel

  • We have implemented a comprehensive cleaning and sanitisation strategy, above and over our normal operating practices

  • We have suspended all non essential guest access to our premises

  • We have suspended all in person meetings. We now conduct these meetings via video conferencing facilities

  • We have adapted and strengthened our business continuity plan, and continue to monitor all policies and strategies for appropriateness and effectiveness




Service Status:



Workshop / Repairs - Fully Operational, although we are not currently offering while you wait repairs. We are asking all of our customers to consider whether it’s necessary to bring equipment in for repair rather than having it collected by courier. If you do need to bring it in, you’re still welcome to do so, but please accept our apologies in advance for not welcoming you in for a coffee at this time.


Spares / Accessories - Fully Operational


New Product Sales - Fully Operational


Technical Support - Fully Operational, although we are asking for your understanding and patience if you hear family members in the background whilst some calls are being handled from home.


In Person Demonstrations - Heavily Impacted


We’re currently not offering any in person product demonstrations. Please call to discuss how we can support your enquiry whilst respecting the immediate need to stop all non essential travel. 


In Person Training - Heavily Impacted 


We’re currently not offering any in person product training. Please call to discuss how we can support your training needs whilst respecting the immediate need to stop all non essential travel.


iTouch Live Services - Fully Operational






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